Mods to a RM 50

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Feb 1, 2019
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As a longtime read only guy i want to give the forum someting back.
So here are some mods i have done to my RM 50 (one of the very early ones)
Disclaimer: there are letal voltage in tube amps - don't work on them without experience ! I won't take any responsibility for damage or personal issues!

1. Made the parallel effects loop/reverb footswitchable.
I soldered a wire fom ground of the effects pot to the "ring" point off the footswitch socket. Be sure to take the one who is lifted bei the plug in the socket.
I had do disable the LED's on my dual footswitch because of noise brought in by those.
Now you can switch with one switch between the channels and with the other reverb/parallel loop on/off

2.With the master on the modules wide open (which sounds the best to me!) the reverb/parallel Loop distorts. I have opend the "send" plug of the reverb tank and soldered in a resistor between hot and ground - find out the right amount for yourself (start with a variabel resistor and some alligator clips!)

3. something i assume that ist done by the modders (MDA Bord, Foglifter) in a very smart way (replace the original board with the new-done!).
I did it my way: i put a on-off-on switch on the front-you have to drill a hole.
Then cut the negative feedback wire, so you can solder one part to the middle, the other to one of the other pins of the switch. Solder one 22 k resistor across the outer pin and one 22k resistor betwen center and one outer pin.
Result: you have the original sound plus two new sounds with more punch and clarity - that made my RM's (not only the RM 50, but the RM 100 and the RM 20 too!) much more versatile.



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