dad passed away

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2006
Reaction score
Just FYI... if you're trying to reach me via email or check on status, I'm going to be probably hard to reach at times. Dad at last count had stage 4 lung and bone cancer, diabetes, state 3 kidney failure, congestive heart failure, a bad heart valve and emphysema. I'm probably missing a few things, to be honest... he had a laundry list of things wrong with him, and he passed away today 9/19.

For the next week or two I'm going to be wrapped up in helping his wife deal with some of his estate, along with other family matters that come up at times like this. Be patient with me, I'm not going anywhere.

Condolences Pete...I went through it last April and it is a tough time. Lean on family & friends tone brother
I am very sorry for your loss Pete- I lost both of my parent's to cancer -
My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family
Condolences. Such times are awkward and clumsy - even those meaning well will say odd things. Please be well, be patient, and give yourself the necessary time to grieve. We'll all be here silently supporting you.
Sorry for your loss Pete, and my deepest condolences. I lost my dad to C.O.P.D. several years back so I understand what you're going through . . .
okstrat said:
Just FYI... if you're trying to reach me via email or check on status, I'm going to be probably hard to reach at times. Dad at last count had stage 4 lung and bone cancer, diabetes, state 3 kidney failure, congestive heart failure, a bad heart valve and emphysema. I'm probably missing a few things, to be honest... he had a laundry list of things wrong with him, and he passed away today 9/19.

For the next week or two I'm going to be wrapped up in helping his wife deal with some of his estate, along with other family matters that come up at times like this. Be patient with me, I'm not going anywhere.


Take care, my friend. I know that you have the love of everyone here on this humble forum. My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours. I hope that you are able to find peace and strength in the middle of this crisis. I don't know you personally, but I have dealt with a lot of loss in my life and I want to let you know that I care. We are all brothers in this world regardless. It sounds like your father had a lot of pain and suffering, but now he is at rest. Time will mend you and you will be strength for your family. Peace. :)
Hey man..
sorry to hear.
I will send a prayer out that somehow things get better.
I'm very sorry to hear about this. My condolences go out to you and your family.
