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Well-known member
Aug 30, 2010
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Hey Randallheads,
Anyone hear the song uprising by Muse? Man that song kicks ***!! It is on Youtube@ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8KQmps-Sog
If you listen to the lyrics it is right on the pulse of what is going on in America. There is also a very positive message of hope and unity for our people. Check it out. :twisted: :shock: :twisted:
Daryl said:
Hey Randallheads,
Anyone hear the song uprising by Muse? Man that song kicks ***!! It is on Youtube@ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8KQmps-Sog
If you listen to the lyrics it is right on the pulse of what is going on in America. There is also a very positive message of hope and unity for our people. Check it out. :twisted: :shock: :twisted:
ironic considering they're an English band? ;) :lol:

rather than suffer through that song or video again, I googled the lyrics instead. Seems pretty standard pandering to the disaffected youth to me. The same lyrics would have seemed relevant to kids in the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s. The Man using drugs to keep us down, burying The Truth in red tape, it's time for revolution, their time has come. Standard fare feeding off youth's natural paranoia.
I did know that they are a British band. I think that these feelings resonate throughout the global community. In America we are told that we are free, but we are being enslaved to Corporate interests and inherited wealth. The economy as it stands is a reflection of the abuse that the government has perpetrated. Because of the buying and selling of politicians, deregulation of the banking industry, and other crimes, we have no chance of being free. In a time of economic woe many corporation are still posting record profits. We need to take the power back. I was trying to make a light-hearted, positive statement. I guess old man ball-buster has to chase me off his lawn. **** kids, cough.. cough.. :lol:

hey, it's cool that you like the band and it's particularly cool that their lyrics speak to you.

The message isn't new though. Neither are the circumstances that inspire them. British bands were singing similar lyrics in Thatcher's England, political hiphop groups were selling the same message in the US in the 80s. "The establishment is trying to keep us down/in a drugged stupor/take our rights/freedom/jobs away. We need to stand together and take the power back".

The key is to keep your lyrics obtuse enough that they don't directly address the issues of the day. Use powerful imagery that conjures up a downtrodden populace banding together to overthrough a tyrannical government. Don't tell anyone actually how to fix the problem (which hasn't been specifically identified in the song - in order to appeal to the greatest number of kids in the greatest number of different scenarios), just float the idea out there and idealistic kids looking for a forum to protest the "broken world they will inherit from their parents" will lap it up. That way in 20 years time, a new audience of suburban teens whose biggest complaint in life is that mommy & daddy won't buy them a new car can pick up on your music and cry "still relevant today!!"
I get you, bro. I know that it is a marketing strategy to use broad imagery that addresses the issue of oppression indirectly, but have you thought about why these images resonate so strongly from generation to generation. There is a very real oppression that remains relevant as long as said oppression remains existent. I am annoyed by teen angst as much as the next guy, but there is some really bad stuff going on that artists have been expressing over and over again. Is it all just whining or is it a sign of the times. I know every generation has the same thing to say, but maybe that's because the same issues plague our world and have not been remedied. 20 years from now, if we as a people do nothing to fix these issues, then they will continue to resonate in people's minds and hearts. The reason why these images are powerful is because they are based on the truth that these are our problems. I guess the issue that I have with how you are approaching this subject is by stereotyping people and assuming their motivation comes from merely being spoiled little brat teens. That in and of itself objectifies and casts a very condescending shadow upon our youth. I was a teen once and I wanted the world to change, but could do nothing to change it. My father was not around and I worked very hard to feed my family and make sure we had a place to live. I had to fight to survive. I am older now and I see that the more things change the more they stay the same. Now things are so bad here in America that it is just plain unprecedented. The media is not even adequately covering how bad we have been raped by the banking industry. But that's proud old American BS. Act like we're ok so we don't have to deal with our problems. Whatever, right?
Thanks for commenting. I really appreciate hearing your opinions and I totally get where you are coming from. I agree that, especially in the entertainment industry, there are a lot of whiney little bitches out there. I guess my point is to be slow to judge and that these issues are quite real and certainly relevant in these times. History repeats itself....Besides, I like to watch pissed off teddy bears destroy metropolitan areas. Best part of the video by far. Peace... :twisted: