Super Bass?

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Well-known member
May 13, 2012
Reaction score
Beacon, NY
Who makes a Super Bass mod? I can;t imagine there isn't one.

A while ago Catalinbread came out with a pedal version of Super Lead / Super Bass in one pedal with internal switching for circuit change. This pedal was very popular and I had one, excited to have some sort of tone like this. The pedal in no way compared to MTS and it left home

Since these are two very classic amps are used widely in current rock it seems there must be a mod like this.............

who done it?
I don't think there has been anything that was a regular mod for that specific amp. I'm sure I've made a few custom ones over the years and could always do another.

There are only 4 main differences between them:

1: The Tone Stack
The discontinued 59RR module had a switch called "Vintage/Modern" that gave both the SL and SB tone stacks.

2: The Bright cap
Much of the bite in the SL is from this.

3: The first preamp tube
The SB uses a common cathode like the JTM45 where the SL split them up. I make mods currently that do both.

4: The PI coupling caps
This is a power amp thing, not on the modules.