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  1. D

    Bad ground? Almost got zapped...

    I own a Randall RM100, Ohm set to 8, into the appropriate Randall cab. I was messing with my pedals, and had my forearm resting on the tune-o-matic portion of my bridge. The amp was on, and I was holding the cable leading from the amp, to the pedals, which was now unplugged, but I was getting...
  2. D

    2 Stupid questions.

    1 - I can't really say yes/no for stage use as I haven't lugged my RM100 back and forth for gigs, but it is very solid, very heavy, and has survived a few moves to new homes in it's day. 2 - Depends on the module and personal taste. My RM100 came pre-loaded with a Clean, Treadplate, and Ultra...
  3. D

    Bad tubes?

    Well, a change of tubes to Electro Haromix 6l6's biased at 34 seems to have fixed it, for now. Appreciate the replies.
  4. D

    Bad tubes?

    Well, the confirmation email that my tubes are on their way showed up today, so I'm hoping that it is an arcing tube. I also ordered more fuses just in case. Hopefully this does not go beyond a tube/fuse issue because I really don't want to spend my mod money on amp repairs.
  5. D

    Bad tubes?

    On the modules or on the power amp itself? I think I forgot to mention that it does this sound whether it's on play or standby, if there is a plug in the input jack or not, etc. I just ordered a quad of 6L6, and a quad of fast blow 1/4 amp fuses, so I'll put in some work when they get here...
  6. D

    Bad tubes?

    And additionally, if I do change them, I understand that I can put two different sets in, correct? For example, have the tubes set up like ( 1 2 2 1 ), correct?
  7. D

    Bad tubes?

    A few weeks ago, my RM100 started making a slight scratching/popping/static sound. It does it on all 3 channels. I've switched guitars, cables, run guitar/cable/amp, made sure all 3 modules were seated properly and did not have corrosion on the connections (they looked like they were brand new.)...
  8. D

    Soldano module: Salvation or Gigmods

    Anthony's stuff is great. I have the Soldano mod and am very happy with it. Sounds great and looks great too. I have not had the opportunity to try Pete's stuff yet so I can't give a fair A/B comparison. I plan to have Anthony work on more modules for me in the future, as soon as the cash...
  9. D

    salvation mods - website updated

    Hey Everybody, Just wanted to tell you Anthony (Salvation) does AMAZING work. I had him mod my stock Ultra into the Salvado and it sounds great. If you're debating having him do a mod for you, I'd say go for it because its 100% worth it. just fyi :)
  10. D

    Backorder on newer Randall amps? Trouble with credit?

    It took me about 6 months to receive my loaded RM100 from musician's friend...finally threatnened to cancel my order and a supervisor called stating that they didn't stock the items since they didn't sell many of them and they were waiting on Randall. Good luck on your search.
  11. D

    Backorder on newer Randall amps? Trouble with credit?

    It took me about 6 months to receive my loaded RM100 from musician's friend...finally threatnened to cancel my order and a supervisor called stating that they didn't stock the items since they didn't sell many of them and they were waiting on Randall. Good luck on your search.
  12. D

    What sound/mod you would want from disliked clean module?

    IMO just something with a full, clear, bell-like quality. Almost piano like. The stock clean module has always sounded flat and almost "cardboard box" like to my ears anyway... It would be nice to have a useable clean module rather than the stock one taking up a slot and looking pretty. :)
  13. D

    Worst Guitar You've Ever Played or Owned?!?

    1st guitar, Harmony Strat copy. It was from the JC Penny cataloge. Still have it due to sentimental reasons but yeah...doesn't even feel like it's made from wood. Almost like a plastic composite of some sort. Still have yet to get into anything too fantastic though, but you make due with what...
  14. D

    RM100 head fan necessary?

    I've close-mic'd my cab before w/the head sitting on the cab and I don't hear anything in my recordings...and I have probably the least ideal recording studio around