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Synergy/MTS Forum

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  1. S

    My Faux Marshall

    [/URL][/b] Here is my faux Marshall - A project that I started around three years ago. I wanted a 18 watt 1974x meets JCM 800 meets Jose all in in a Bedroom player. It's a LOPO closed back cabinet with a 20 watt Celestion G12M heritage speaker.The Jaded Faith 59 RR is my favorite module and...
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    Boost ?

    It seems like a lot of MTS users are using boost. Are you guys using Boost to compensate for pedals. Is anyone using boost only, and what type of pedals are you using.
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    Power tubes

    My RM20 is starting to sound a little dull and lifeless. It is over a year old, and still has the factory tubes in it. How long do you guys go before you change the power tubes? Any recommendations for el84 brands - sovtec, jj, groove tubes.
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    Silver jubilee mod

    Pete has hinted at making a Marshall Silver Jubilee module. Anybody else excited about owning this module! I can't F#*king wait. :twisted:
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    I am interested in the Mash-all. Is the SL+ a good choice for this mod? What is the average turnaround time, shipping cost, cost for the mod. The you-tube clips look really awesome!
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    Best Fender Module

    What is the most authentic sounding fender module.
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    Fender Sound ?

    I am playing through a RM20 , 1 by 12 closed back cabinet, Weber bluedog ceramic speaker. I use a Gibson SG and play mostly classic rock. I prefer Marshall like tones - but lately have been missing a good Fender tone. I have been thinking about a tweed or Top Boost.* ( * not Fender but Fear of...
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    Reverb pedal

    I want to add reverb to my RM20 sound. I need something small and not too expensive. I have been looking at clips of the Verbzilla, T rex tonebug, and the Hardwire reverb. Any advice would be appreciated
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    SL+ Worth it?

    I just bought a RM20B with a Grail and Plexi module. I prefer Marshall tones, and am wondering if the SL+ and Plexi are too similar to justify the purchase.
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    Turning on The RM20HB

    The manual says something about connecting the series loop send on the back panel to the amp input located the front panel when powering up the amp. Is this correct? I thought you could just plug the modules in and play. I understand that amp heads need to be connected to a speaker cabinets to...