1086 vs. mr.scary vs. sl+

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Active member
Apr 15, 2007
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i am looking for a module that will give me tight bass and bright upper mids.will one of these 3 do that for me?
Yeah..I'd definitely go SL+ with modded tonestack and tighter bass cap for that...although a Brown or Boosted Plexi would work.

Mr Scary is darker and lower mids sounding to me...although very cool module for both leads and rhythm.
My SL+ already has the JCM800 components and they don't look modded. The PCB layout on the modifications page shows the components I have, as well. If you do find a SL+, check your components (R31, C14) values to see if they match the JCM800 mod.

The benefit of Pete's (okstrat) mod is switching between original stock and JCM800 modes.

Just a thought.
SacredGroove said:
My SL+ already has the JCM800 components and they don't look modded. The PCB layout on the modifications page shows the components I have, as well. If you do find a SL+, check your components (R31, C14) values to see if they match the JCM800 mod.

The benefit of Pete's (okstrat) mod is switching between original stock and JCM800 modes.

Just a thought.

...also the improved parts in the signal path, the ability to change the low end of the module via the bass switch, a few other things I do that aren't real apparent, and of course, the ever-present cool faceplates :)

...also the improved parts in the signal path, the ability to change the low end of the module via the bass switch, a few other things I do that aren't real apparent, and of course, the ever-present cool faceplates :)


That's no lie! I just got 3 modules back from Pete about 2 weeks ago. I have only gotten one rehearsal in with them, but my band has 4 gigs over 5 days this week. Last nights show was acoustic, but the rest of the week is full blown electric and I can't wait! I am writing up a full review of Pete's work Sunday after all the shows are done and will post it then.

Pete: As soon as I finish a CD I am recording for another band and collect payment the 1086 is headed your way for the warmth/clarity mods and the selectable bass caps on a push/pull knob like you recommended.
Jaded Faith said:
I am writing up a full review of Pete's work Sunday after all the shows are done and will post it then.

Yes, looking forward to your review, please let us know how the mods work out for you :!: