Erect Alice in Chains Tone

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Well-known member
Mar 28, 2012
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Does anybody have any good Alice in Chains-esque settings for the Jaded Faith Erect? I know Jerry uses tons of different amps, mainly bogner but I am looking for something in the ballpark of his tone. Thanks!
sargentcrunch said:
Does anybody have any good Alice in Chains-esque settings for the Jaded Faith Erect? I know Jerry uses tons of different amps, mainly bogner but I am looking for something in the ballpark of his tone. Thanks!

I havent had mine in awhile but out of memory- I'd stick with the Orange channel in the modern overdrive setting...gain at about 1 o clock mids cranked at 2 or 3 o clock....should be close. Bass setting would depend on your amp and cab.....
Yea Jerry has tons of amps, Bogner Uberschall/Shiva/Fish/Alchemist, Modified Marshalls, Dave Friedman Marsha Amps (2 with different gain stages, he named them Mad! and Pissed!)

Thanks for the tips guys! I am going to try these out when I get home, I was looking at either the JF XTC or SL-OD for my next mod, but I will look at the 59RR as well! Thanks!
sargentcrunch said:
Yea Jerry has tons of amps, Bogner Uberschall/Shiva/Fish/Alchemist, Modified Marshalls, Dave Friedman Marsha Amps (2 with different gain stages, he named them Mad! and Pissed!)

Thanks for the tips guys! I am going to try these out when I get home, I was looking at either the JF XTC or SL-OD for my next mod, but I will look at the 59RR as well! Thanks!

Then JF XTC will get you even closer...Good choice! VERY underrated mod!
Yea I was thinking even though Jerry never used an Ecstasy (that I know of haha) its still a Bogner tone, and I know I will never get Jerrys exact tone, because its more than his amp and guitar but I like the amp sounds he gets. I gotta save some more money before I can get another mod haha
The Sacred Groove Fisch is a good choice as well....even though I didnt care for it,alot of others do and think it can nail his tone....
Does Sacred Groove have a website I can check out? I am only a few months into this whole mts thing, and only know of Jaded Faith and Salvation haha
If you can find a Hilligan Snorkeler- thats the one for Cantrell tones...I just sold mine :shock:
Cantrell tones are easily achieved with Sacred Groove Fisch or Salvation's new Shiver mod (it even has a Facelift switch made specifically for Cantrell territory).
sargentcrunch said:
****, how much do the Snorkelers go for?

Around 200 used....but Jeff Hilligan is coming back into modding scene again in a few months. The mod is pretty cheap compared to some of the others being mentioned and is just as good if not better. If you need that tone sooner- Than the Sacred Groove Fisch or Salvation Shiver are both based in the same ballpark.
sargentcrunch said:
Does Sacred Groove have a website I can check out? I am only a few months into this whole mts thing, and only know of Jaded Faith and Salvation haha

No website for Sacred Groove- You can find "Sacred Groove" as a user here on the forum. His name is Scott- Super cool dude- PM him and tell him what you're looking for.
Ok thanks for all the help guys! I saw the Shiver module but I can't afford a brand new module right now, and most people sell salvation used mods pretty expensive so I was thinking the Snorkeler or Fisch would be a good alternative. I know this question won't have a definitive answer, but would someone consider it a good trade if I traded an XTC(stock) and some cash for the snorkeler? Or do people tend to stay away from stock modules in trades?
People trade for stockers - depends on deal and person...hit or miss. Never hurts to ask or to throw out an offer.

FWIW, I know someone selling a SG Fisch if interested let me know and I'll get you in contact with them.