If you had to choose just one...

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Active member
Dec 29, 2007
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Hey Guys,

I need some module advice:

If you had to choose only one module--as in for use in a RM20, what would you pick?

I need one that has good clean headroom, takes pedals well and has a nice overdrive breakup (not metal mind you) when boosted?

Blackface? Top Boost? Hmmmmm.....

Thanks in advance!
I'd probably go with a plexi, tightened up a little bit with a low end cap change.
How well does the Plexi clean up w/ the volume knob?

Do any of them do it better than others?

I hear great things about the Brahma and XTC, as well as the Brown--if you can find one.

FWIW, I have an Egnater Bman and SL2--so I don't want to overlap modules.
I gotta tell ya, if you crank the gain on the BLACKFACE and boost it out front you can get really close to a marshall type tone, not metal, but more bluesy SRV tones, and if you back the gain off so its clean when the boost is off it will sound really creamy and Eric clapton-esc when you do boost it.

If you want transparent clean then BLACKFACE, if you want clean with boostable gain, BLAKFACE. Its so crisp and beautiful, best clean ever. IMHO
Either the TopBoost or Plexi, I'd favor the Plexi but the TopBoost is prety good too. The Plexi is pretty much the basis for everything else.
Plexi will do a better clean then the topboost, boost the plexi for more gain. topboost does a nice light drive to full on drive already, will not do good clean
I really been digging the Brahma module modded by Dave Friedman.
EXCELLENT plexi that can get down and dirty if you use a boost with it but also can do SRV tones very well.
Thanks for the replies all.

I guess I should mention I already have an Egnater Bman and SL2, so I'm looking for something that Channel A of those don't cover too.

I have the egnater bassman single, and I did have a stock topboost. I could get the bassman and topboost sounding very similliar at lower gain settings (almost hard to tell the difference), the topboost then took off gain wise past the bassman (though I only have the single) so in stock form, I don't think you need the topboost, though I now have a DF modded topboost, based I guess off of a matchless according to the seller, and that has to be my favorite module, it really is amazing, quite different then stock topboost and a killer drive and less gain then stock, which I like (stock is way too much gain imo). So if you go topboost, be sure to have it modded and gain reduced to match your preference.

seems like something like the blackface might be in order, or super V! don't own those, but the clips I have heard of the super V were stellar, better topboost representation
friedman modded brahma. absolutely...without question.

with a slight adjustment of the volume on the guitar...you can have it all...with one module.

it actually has been my go to in the rig...and took the KH2 to #2 position. that is saying something.

a real real good plexi simulation. almost to a tee.
RD/Steve said:
friedman modded brahma. absolutely...without question.

with a slight adjustment of the volume on the guitar...you can have it all...with one module.

it actually has been my go to in the rig...and took the KH2 to #2 position. that is saying something.

a real real good plexi simulation. almost to a tee.
That thing sounds AMAZING. Unfortunately I have to sell alot of my gear to take care of some other finances.....and the Friedman modded Modules all have to go. Someone will be very happy when they score these. Rock on brothers! 8)