My RM100 died...

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Feb 16, 2009
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I was accidentally running my RM100 on 4 ohms instead of 8 like my cab is. I smelt a burnt plastic smell and before I turned the amp off it got loud and then died. I'm pretty sure it is a fuse but I don't know what to get. Anyone know where to/what fuses to get?
Peep this total awesome sauce thread that Pete and a few other members put together (JKD I'm looking at you). It's got pics of the location of every fuse on the amp and what type you need. Randall MAY be able to get them for you (try Ryan) but with a little searching around town they shouldn't be too hard to find.
Well...I pulled two of the fuses and had a friend that works by Radio Shack pick up some new fuse for me and without checking the rating I put them I have a new problem. The 5W1KJ blew, and I mean its black around most of it and I know that it is gone for sure. I even included pics.
My question now is do you think that just replacing that piece would fix the amp? I know you won't be sure just from a picture but anything to ease my mind. This whole thing stemmed from my amp being a couple years old(previous owner said about two) and then I accidentally ran it under the wrong impedance and a fuse blew.

Oh wow... :shock:

Without having the amp here to test I can't say. Maybe some other guys can chime in. I would try replacing the 5W1KJ and go from there. Since that amp was plugged in under an improper load it's possible a couple different things happened. You might want to shoot Pete a PM and see what he says about your predicament. he's a stand up guy and really knowledgeable about the nitty gritty of these amps.
:shock: That face is pretty much what I did before I yelled at my friend for getting the wrong fuses. Thanks for the input. I'm getting it looked at tomorrow and hopefully the guy will be able to get it taken care of. I'm just praying its only that one thing and the whole thing. :cry: