RF3 footswitch question...

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Sep 11, 2010
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Hey guys. I've been using the RF3 footswitch with my Randall RM100KH. Thing is though, I have to run the footswitch with wall wart power to basically power up the footswitch. I was told that if you use a 7 pin MIDI cable to connect the footswitch to the MIDI in jack on the back of the amp, the amp should power the footswitch. I did try removing the power from the wall wart, but that meant the footswitch does not work anymore. Any pointers???
If you are sure you have a 7 pin MIDI cable then...

The Midi Power fuse on the amp is blown...this is a common problem, usually caused by plugging something into the MIDI connection while the amp is powered on :-/

Unfortunately the fuse is soldered onto the MIDI board...look here:


On the midi board picture you will see a red cylindrical object...I believe that is the fuse in question.
Hey mate. Cheers for the info. I'm trying to remove the chassis from the head cabinet by removing the eight screws on the underneath of the cabinet, then trying to slide the chassis out via pushing it out from the front to no avail. Perhaps there's an easier way to take out the chassis that I seem to have missed out???
Holy crap JKD,
That is some really killer info. If I ever run into this issue myself I will know what to look for. :D Thanks for the link to the post that Pete put up. It is really thoughtful of you to research the issue and give such a pin-point answer. I feel lucky to even have access to such an awesome forum. You totally made my day, bro. Peace :wink:
KH Guitar Freak said:
Hey mate. Cheers for the info. I'm trying to remove the chassis from the head cabinet by removing the eight screws on the underneath of the cabinet, then trying to slide the chassis out via pushing it out from the front to no avail. Perhaps there's an easier way to take out the chassis that I seem to have missed out???

I've not found an easy way to do it....the chassis tends to stick a little under the grille, so a gentle lift at an angle from the back seems to free that....afterwards whoudl just be able to carefully pull it out from the back of the headbox.

I usually remove the power tubes...nothing less fun than a bunch of shattered glass :-/