Type O Negative?

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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2009
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Brooklyn, NY
Hey guys, a bit of a shot in the dark here but I was wondering if anyone could think of a module that would work well for replicating Kenny Hickey's recorded tone.
No stock ones get "exactly" like his tone, but in my opinion the KH3 can get pretty close.

When I had it I jammed alot to some Type O songs and it sounded pretty close, not 100% but close enough for me at the time.
Disciple said:
No stock ones get "exactly" like his tone, but in my opinion the KH3 can get pretty close.

When I had it I jammed alot to some Type O songs and it sounded pretty close, not 100% but close enough for me at the time.

I figured no stockers could get close. That's interesting though. Any clips?
No clips unfortunately - I sold the KH3 a few months back on here.

I'm almost positive he mixes two amps to get his sound, not sure what they are - Kenny has usually been hush on what he uses for amps through the years for his tone.
Disciple said:
No clips unfortunately - I sold the KH3 a few months back on here.

I'm almost positive he mixes two amps to get his sound, not sure what they are - Kenny has usually been hush on what he uses for amps through the years for his tone.

I know he used the ADA but IDK how to replicate it. I'm going to check out the liner notes again tonight though he may credit his gear more for tour stuff than album.
His tone on the Type-O stuff always sounded like digital distortion to me. I had an old Korg multieffects board that sounded pretty close. That's not a knock on his tone; I think it sounded appropriate in their music, it's just not what most would consider a "great tone" in the classic sense. I think it would be hard to replicate in a module.
6stringgrind said:
His tone on the Type-O stuff always sounded like digital distortion to me. I had an old Korg multieffects board that sounded pretty close. That's not a knock on his tone; I think it sounded appropriate in their music, it's just not what most would consider a "great tone" in the classic sense. I think it would be hard to replicate in a module.

Yeah I'm a tube guy which is why I'm not bothering to go out and get an Eleven Rack or something like that. However, I'd like to get close. I'll check out some live clips and see if I can't dig anything out. In the mean time, I hope someone chimes in.
hey guys, im a newbie here but I might be able to help on this topic.
Ive been a type 0 negative fan for many years. Kenny did use the ADA preamp
but then switched to mesa boogie amps and power amps, rectifiers.. running thru marshall and mesa cabs

Ive seen him play a few times.
the last time I saw them he was using a mesa triaxis system. Although his sound was awesome,
what really kicked *** was Peter Steeles sound. man, that was vicious!
Josh Silver also had his keyboard set up to sound like a back up guitar at times too! Awesome band live. gonna miss them.
oh yeah, i remember one time Kenny having a midi pick up rigged to his guitar.
that was interesting but i think he was having troubles during the show with it. It was back when he was still using Gibson Sg's. they had the coolest sound in a smaller venue. surround like. I can get pretty close to his sound with my Kh-3 , or sansamp PSA 1 dialed to triaxis running thru Jcm 800 with some chorus.
for the first two albums it was an ADA MP-1 and an MP-2 for October Rust, saw 'em live on both the bloody kisses tour and and the OR tour. insane amounts of gain, i know Salvation was thinking about doing a MP-1 ish clone in the future, but who knows.....
Thanks for chiming in guys. I didn't know he used an MP2 on October Rust, but I did know about the Triaxis and Mesa/Marshall use. I was trying to book tickets a week before Pete had passed so that was even more depressing.