Bass Modules?

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Active member
May 17, 2006
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I was thinking about this today... It would be cool if Bruce made a nice tube bass preamp module. Something with a nice clean, full sound that could replace a DI or a preamp in a live or studio setting.

A lot of people use the module stuff in the studio...
lightwoheat said:
coun't you just take the clean module and tweak the input capacitor so that it would not filter out the low frequencies?


Sure, you could do that. The EQ curves, however are taylored for guitar. To have a useful EQ you'd need to shift some of the frequencies.
Yep, forgot about that.... I'm sure (not 100%) that the tone stack used for bass has the a similiar structure and all that is needed are the component values to be replaced as you mentioned.

I use the BlackFace module for recording bass. . sounds pretty good.