Problems with rm100

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Feb 9, 2010
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So I posted not too long ago my Randall setup. I'm new here. I like the module ideas. I have a palomino Randall rm100.. Stock blackface module, Friedman modded brown eye plexi module and jaded faith modded treadplate. I'm running this thru a Marshall 1960a cab with g12t75s 4x12. I'm not real thrilled with the recto module. I've come to know that I'm more of a Marshall guy I guess. I like the plexi module and blackface. Just wish I had a modded sl+ module.

So my problems are this amp is noisy. Now jaded faith suggested I put a 5751 in V1... I think.. Would that help with noise?

Also I'm not totally thrilled with the overall tone of this amp.. Could it be the cab? The sound seems kind of nasally and compressed.

Maybe I should try a different amp. What do ya think?
Let's start with the amps you have owned in the past. What are they and what cabs/speakers were you using? You mentioned being a Marshall guy (I am as well) so we have that out of the way.

I don't know you so I am just trying to get a baseline for reference.
I've owned a single recto with oversized mesacab 4x12 v30s.. I then got a mark 4 and swapped the Mesa cab for my buddies Marshall cab with g12t75s (which I have used ever since). I then gotta roadster, sold it, bought an orange rockerverb 50. Traded it for a voodoo platinum modded jvm410. Traded it for a mark iv combo and some cash. Sold the mark iv then bought a tremoverb head. Sold it and bought this Randall setup. After all that I've decided I'm a Marshall guy. Wonder if that helps. I've been honestly itching to get a vht... I tried my buddies 100cl out and loved it but never worked out the deal so maybe I could find another one unless I can get the tones I want out of the Randall
Nice amp rotation you had going on there!

In my MTS experience to date I have had 2 RM50 combos and 2 RM100 heads. I still have one of each. Noise has never been an issue but I almost always have a RP1000 set up in the 4CM when running louder and I have the noise gate on.

I also found that I prefer to keep a 5751 in the PI spot of the amp and also in the V1 spot in the high gain modules. In theory I guess that would lead to lower overall noise. The 5751's opened up a lot of clarity in the higher gain modules without really reducing the gain much at all in my experience.

For speakers, I have tried G12T75's, E80's, Emi V12's, Warehouse ET65's and CL80's, and a Super V. The CL80's sounded flat to me and the 75's weren't really happening for me either. I use the Super V, E80, and the ET65 now.

I also found that I like 6550 power tubes the best. Sometimes I like to mix 34's in with the 6550's in the RM100.

I would try different speakers first. Maybe borrow another cab and check it out. I didn't find any of the RM's to be nasally or compressed.
Yeah, in retrospect I have gone thru some amps. I played this amp thru a 2x12 v30 cab. Thought it sounded pretty good. Better than my 4x12 Marshall. Wen I got the amp I was running it with a pair of 6550s, but now I'm running a pair of el34s. 6550s sounded pretty close to the el34s but were a little more harsh and louder I think. Maybe I can run both pairs and get a good sound. Switch out and put in some new preamp tubes like the 5751 you guys talked about, and maybe trade my recto module for a modded Marshall one. Also trade my cab for a v30 4x12.
**** that seems like alot of moving around.
Interesting. You found the 6550's a touch more harsh and louder than the 34's? I just might try the RM100 loaded with all 34's sometime. I have not done that yet.

Try the cab swap first. Borrow one if you can, or just trade the 75's for another speaker. Module swapping is easy to do. What has been done to your Treadplate? I had a Grail that I liked but I traded it for a Mr Scary.

I have a JF Brahma, JF Mr Scary, KH3, KH2, KH1, and DLX modules. I have moved a SL+ (should have kept), Grail, Brown Eye modded Plexi, and a XTC.

I was able to get very close to the modded Plexi with the JF Brahma but the Brahma was much more versatile with the push/pull gain boost so that one stayed. The SL+ was my first module and I learned, after I traded it away, that the RM's take a little bit to figure out. They are very versatile and can cover a ton of ground with the tube selection in the power amp section, variations with the master vs. module volumes, modules themselves, and then the preamp tube placement. Speakers, as always, are a huge game changer as well.
I think I may run a pair of el34s and 6550s in my rm100. Prolly get sum v30s always liked those speakers. Anyone interested in my modded treadplate?
I was trying to track down noise for a while. First I bought a Boss NS-2 noise suppressor, that didn't fix it so I assumed it was my electricity, we have very old wiring. I was going to buy a Hum-X but then one day I tried a different cable and my noise was completely gone. It was night and day difference. I would have never thought that an instrument cable could make that kind of difference, but it did. I have 6 Musician?s Friend braided instrument cables and they all sound like garbage, tons of noise. With a good quality cable there is no noise. Amazing.
I use monster cables. But I run guitar - pitchblack tuner - tremonti wah - maxon od808 - mxr phaser - amp.. Maybe I should upgrade patch cables tho. How big a difference would high quality patch cables make?
threemounts_1 said:
I use monster cables. But I run guitar - pitchblack tuner - tremonti wah - maxon od808 - mxr phaser - amp.. Maybe I should upgrade patch cables tho. How big a difference would high quality patch cables make?

It would be easy enough to check. Just run the guitar straight to the amp and see if your noise is gone. I use monster patch cables now too, but my pedals still introduce noise the the mix. It's just not as bad as it was.
Well I tried it and it really didn't significantly drop the noise too much.. The plexi module Is the noisiest
threemounts_1 said:
Well I tried it and it really didn't significantly drop the noise too much.. The plexi module Is the noisiest

Do you have more than one instrument you can try? I have one guitar that has really hot pickups. It's noisy no matter what rig I am playing it through. The other thing you could try is lifting the ground to see if that fixes it.
I use cheap Hosa 6/$9.99 patch cables. Never had a problem with them. But the guitar cables? I'm using Monster but I'm thinking I might go to a blue coily Vox cable.

Speakers? check out a Marshall 425B cab. Seriously. Greenbacks for the win. Check out the Speaker thread. I posted a link where you can hear like 15 different speakers through the same amp -- same riff, same guitar, same mics, same settings.

Greenbacks break up earlier than a lot of others so you don't have to run the gain up as high for the same effect. Unless you're playing your amp flat out (in which case I hope you've got ear protection) you actually want early breakup.
I currently have hosa cables as well. My buddy has some greenbacks he would possibly trade I'm sure. I may try that out...