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The Rossness

Well-known member
Oct 6, 2008
Reaction score
Does anyone have a Salvation Shiver? I'm pretty sure I'm ordering one, but wanted to get some feedback on it. I've noticed it doesn't get a lot of talk on here.

I asked Anthony for a module that sounds massive, has a huge bottom end and has highs and mids like the stock Judge.

Does anyone have a Shiver that they use for heavy stuff? How do you like it?

I have an older XTC that has the shiver setting. It is hands down my favorite module sound. So versatile. Much like my old ecstasy blue channel, but a little hairier.

It is not an uber heavy sound though, just a balls to the wall crunch that's gooey and delicious.
I have a Shiver module for trade
but cant offer it in the Classified forum at the moment ...not enough posts ;-)

Looking for Salvation Mods:
Mash All+, Kraken, Salvado, Terrier, Benzin, Voxy Face, Matchvox

cheers Tlow

I like it for singing hi-gain Lead Sounds
Lot of gain /sustain and mids like a Bogner
Cuts through the mix in combination with scooped Rhythm Rock / Metal guitars
Yep, very awesome tone, especially with the Facelift switch. It's not ubertight, but not flabby either and with some gain it is just huge for rhythms and fat, smooth leads that still cut through great.

I'd say for a two-guitar band it's probably too much for rhythm (I like a little less huge tone like the Salvado or Mashall there), but awesome for leads (that's how I use it mostly). In a single-guitar band it would be great for both.

Here's an old demo I made a year ago or something:

Edit: and a demo for a new song by my band:
Cleans are my custom Tweed mod, gains are Shiver with Facelift on, solo is Shiver without Facelift (and much lower gain)

Tlow, what is that extra switch on yours?