We need a new sub forum, PLEASE hear me out on this

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Well-known member
May 8, 2008
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Please hear me out, I think I have a valid point . We need a new sub fourm dedicated to DIY modding of modules. It would be nice if we could inclue sticky threads that talked about different tubes amd stucf like that. I always use the search function when it comes to forums. Before I Took the plunge into the mts line I read tons of the threads on here, alots of great info. Recently I was trying to find some info I know I read on here about modding modules as well as a thread that talked about preamp tubes. I searched and searched and just couldn'nt find the info. When I finally found the info I was looking for about modding, the info was spread between 3 threads. The first thing I thought was this would be great if it was all in one forum. Plus I could never find the thread about the tubes,then I remembered I had copied the info and put it on my notepad. It just made me think it would be really nice to have a sub forum with this info. I think this would be a good idea cause some of us would like to know more about modding and general info about how it all works. I don't think this would hurt the modders business at all, cause they have a great reputaion already and this seems to be a tight nit community.
Another point I wanna make on this topic is when you try to search something like tubes or modding it brings up so many results it makes finding some specific info hard to find.
i would also like a section for this. i am a big DIY guy. I am trying to learn how to build amps and guitars. Modding modules is on my list too. A subforum dedicated to this venture would be awesome.
That sounds pretty reasonable. I would also like to see a better archive for information, pics, and diagrams. The search function on the forum is spotty at best.
Daryl said:
That sounds pretty reasonable. I would also like to see a better archive for information, pics, and diagrams. The search function on the forum is spotty at best.

+1 I totally agree, sometimes i have to search deep in the forum to get an information of a mod, why not just have an organized section for it?
I agree.
A spot for DIY and tube stuff would be great!
We could have some stickies for the modders, with "Modder's secrets/tips" ;)

As for the search, try a google trick:
Click here for Google search in the MTS forum

Just add your searchterms to what's already there. :)

(if you add "site:www.siteyouwanttosearch.com" in Google, it only searches that domain)
This is a great forum. A DIY modding section would make it even better. IMHO of course. I was surprised to find that there wasn't already one here.
Mattfig said:
Has anyone approached the Modders Union on this? We may have a legal issue... :)

I'm all for sharing simple stuff...I think a lot of us would benefit from and enjoy such a forum...Good idea...
The modders union should rejoice. I can hear t whe cries of, "OMG, I fucked up my module can you fix it?", hauntingly ringing through the wispy willow trees... :lol:
Mattfig said:
Has anyone approached the Modders Union on this? We may have a legal issue... :)

I'm all for sharing simple stuff...I think a lot of us would benefit from and enjoy such a forum...Good idea...
Look out its Figgy Hoffa the whistle blower!!! :lol:
Daryl said:
The modders union should rejoice. I can hear the cries of, "OMG, I f&(%ed up my module can you fix it?", hauntingly ringing through the wispy willow trees... :lol:
You have no idea brother! I would say 1 in 5 modules I across my bench are all kinds of F-ed up from someone's "best efforts". Catch is, I always do the repair for free if you are getting it modded for no extra charge. I do plenty of straight up repairs (modules and actual amps) all the time as well.

I am all about it in the spirit of community and partially horrified all at the same time. At least there is a safety net if you need it..... :lol:
I can see barel loads of donor modules with burned boards ad stripped traces....

Hint: removing components designed to be solder from the bottom by applying too much heat to the topside = not easy to get away with. I still have my first Ultra patched up as a personal reminder :)
You know guys, I like the idea of modding my own modules as much as the next guy, but the RoHS compliant solder melts at a pretty high heat and I don't want to scorch any traces. I got a .001 cap on my XTC that was easy enough to do, but there is a lot of stuff going on in these little suckers that might as well be magic to me. I've worked as a Receiving inspector and cost estimator for an ISO 9001:2000 electronics manufacturing facility. A lot of the assemblies produced are now RoHS compliant and use lead free solder. It sucks *** to solder and sucks even more *** to resolder. However, there are some guys and gals on the soldering line that make it look like art. If you got the skills, go for it. If you have any hesitation or doubt, leave it to the pros. IMHO.
Now if I'm not mistaken, I remember Fig having an issue with a Recto or something he was modding and ending up smashing it against a wall.
Daryl said:
You know guys, I like the idea of modding my own modules as much as the next guy, but the RoHS compliant solder melts at a pretty high heat and I don't want to scorch any traces. I got a .001 cap on my XTC that was easy enough to do, but there is a lot of stuff going on in these little suckers that might as well be magic to me. I've worked as a Receiving inspector and cost estimator for an ISO 9001:2000 electronics manufacturing facility. A lot of the assemblies produced are now RoHS compliant and use lead free solder. It sucks *** to solder and sucks even more *** to resolder. However, there are some guys and gals on the soldering line that make it look like art. If you got the skills, go for it. If you have any hesitation or doubt, leave it to the pros. IMHO.
Now if I'm not mistaken, I remember Fig having an issue with a Recto or something he was modding and ending up smashing it against a wall.

Dude, that's the half of it...I tore into that poor module...Oh my, it was, what I thought, spent...So I chucked it into a pole in my basement...Fortunately I only broke the tubes and a couple pots...It was somehow resurrected and even improved by eedude and now resides comfortably in the RoD known as Erecto...The other modules kinda treat him different, I think he's a little "touched."
Funny you mentioned the RoHS solder. It makes some modules difficult or near impossible to work with. It's amazing how different any two modules can be because of that.
to melt RoHS solder I melt some 60/40 on the iron tip and use that to melt the RoHS stuff. It gives a better heat transfer. 30 watts is about right.
Go to www.precisionmechanisms.com
I was their chief assembler and factory liaison.