What is your "cold dead hands" module?

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ricky said:
GtrGeorge! said:
For live work: stock Plexi
For studio: Salvation's OR120 clone..I can wrangle anything out of it!


What is an OR120?

It's this amp, which Anthony replicates in his Mandarine Graphic:

I'm not sure if such a module exists for me. I'm always open to new things. My Salvation Mashall has been with me the longest. It has so many great tones. It also sounds great with both 6L6 and EL34 tubes.
I'm really happy with the collection I have at the moment. My MK22 is just one of the best Marshall tones ever. My custom JF Tweed clean modules are the best MTS clean tones I've found. And that Mamba is just so much cooler than I could have ever expected.
I'm excited to get my JF Splawn and I'd like to try a JF-XMG+ but other than that, I'm feeling pretty content. :D
Yes I should be specific: its Salvation's Mandarin that is = OR120 (the vintage Orange OR 120 head).
Is it exact?? Not to my ears..but for some reason I can get all kinds of great sounds out of it. I did a demo for Salvation,,,I was half awake and the sync on my computer was all screwed up..but I think he still has that demo posted somewhere. I start playing squeeky clean and then like 7 minutes later I get the greatest distortion sounds,too!!!
I could easily put 4 into an rm4 with various settings and have a wonderful pallet of tones every night.
It works for me, is all I can say.

Got to be my custom one off SG Recto (Diablo), that is the one module I know 100% will always be in my rack no matter what! So versatile and nails the tone I had with my old rectifier I loved.
Disciple said:
Got to be my custom one off SG Recto (Diablo), that is the one module I know 100% will always be in my rack no matter what! So versatile and nails the tone I had with my old rectifier I loved.

Yep, I haven't had my Diablo out of my VP4 for months.
Every time I try to think of my favorite it comes down to 2 modules. My 1959rr PE, or believe it or not the plain old Blackface. The plat. Edition is the do all module that like someone said here, a walk in Marshall history. It can do it all and with the added gain switch you can really boost the Jmp side for greater versatility. On to the blackface. It almost never leaves it place in the amp. My favorite twin sound that I rarely use on it's own. Always boosted with a tube driver for the Gilmore sound. For leads I use a Russian big muff pi. Or a skreddy pig mine. These are tones I can't get out of any module so it is pedals for them. I would love to try a hiwatt module and just missed the one for sale, but the blackface is the perfect pedal platform and does sound great with a strat by itself.
For my.lead tones it's my JF modded Brahma. Recently upgraded from 2 years ago. Incredible hot rod better than Marshall tones. Followed by my JF Rverb.
For rhythm it's my Sacred Groove Plexi or Voodoo Tsunami.
That's 4 not one....sorry....
Home built, though Sacred Groove did the front panel for it.

It's somewhat challenging as the tone stack is unique (pre Bass + Mid, post Treble), but nothing any of the pro modders would have any problems with so I'm sure they could make you one if you like?

hmic10 said:
Hey djdyason
I am curious who did the chieftain module for you
ID have to say my Module would be my Stock SL+ or my Stock tweed.... The SL+ does about any metal tune you could ever want to play and the tweed rocks with my strat!
Changed my mind totally after getting a 59rr and a markX, I would have to say mine would now be the 59rr custom by far the most versatile module for marshall tones!
We all have them for a while,then we wind up getting somethign else...lol...the modders have us spoiled with their quality work and it ruins other "mortal" amps for us.....
alowerdeep said:
We all have them for a while,then we wind up getting somethign else...lol...the modders have us spoiled with their quality work and it ruins other "mortal" amps for us.....

+1!!! I keep changing my faves...l My latest is the RR Platinum (reaquired recently) and I dont know if this one is different than my first but it is kicking all kinds of @ss on everything else I have at the moment. JCM with 3rd gain stage is rich and clear and just sings "MARSHALL" Last month was the Masholdano doing the same, hogging all the time in the set...Some days I still revert back to the Judge too because its so brown and responsive- Trace's Voodoo Scary mod had its share of time too- balls to the wall tone.....The Scorch was there for awhile too (until I traded it :oops: )Its like a module go round!!
djdayson said:
Home built, though Sacred Groove did the front panel for it.

It's somewhat challenging as the tone stack is unique (pre Bass + Mid, post Treble), but nothing any of the pro modders would have any problems with so I'm sure they could make you one if you like?

hmic10 said:
Hey djdyason
I am curious who did the chieftain module for you

Any pics of the homemade SG Chieftain? How does it differ from the Voxless/Matchvox? Seriously, this sounds cool.
A Matchless Chieftain is quite different than the Vox AC30 or Matchless C30, as they use EL84's sans NFB along with a Bass/Treble tonestack and power amp Cut control.

The Chieftain uses a unique pre distortion Bass/Mid - post distortion Treble tonestack and EL34's sans NFB, which gives it a sound in between the typical Vox and typical Marshall in most respects, though the Mid control has a wide range so it'll clean up pretty much like a Vox does for clean chimey stuff, or alternatively it can push the mids forward Marshall style.

Cool amps IMHO for clean through pushed mid-gain, and good with pedals too.

You should play a real Chieftain and see whether you like it etc, and here's a pic of it in my custom 50W RM2 (thanks to Sacred Groove for the front panels).


speed2dirt said:
djdayson said:
Home built, though Sacred Groove did the front panel for it.

It's somewhat challenging as the tone stack is unique (pre Bass + Mid, post Treble), but nothing any of the pro modders would have any problems with so I'm sure they could make you one if you like?

hmic10 said:
Hey djdyason
I am curious who did the chieftain module for you

Any pics of the homemade SG Chieftain? How does it differ from the Voxless/Matchvox? Seriously, this sounds cool.