HELP! Dead Module - any quick fixes?

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Well-known member
Feb 5, 2008
Reaction score
Montgomery Texas
My Blackface module just died and I have a gig tomorrow with no other module for a clean tone.

The module just stopped working. The light on the front went out too. I can get the light to come on if I move the module around a little, but that does not make it produce any sound. The light will sometimes fade in and out.

Things I have tried: Changing tubes, trying module in a different slot, trying module in a different amp (I have a RM100 head and a RM50 combo), cleaning the end of the module that slides into the amp slot.

I get consistent results with all of the above (as described above).

Any suggestions?

Salvation told me a trick where you can install 1 or 2 washers per pot on the inside of the faceplate- it makes the module just a bit longer and may solve the problem if connection is the issue...some modules and amps don't sync up perfectly, this could be it (?)

Keep in mind I know next to mothing about repairs, just thought I'd share
Hi Ray:

Thanks for the idea, but I don't think it will help in this case. The module has worked flawlessly in my RM100 for about 4 months and now it does not. The connection never was a problem.

Thanks again.

Do you have a POD? the Blackface model is pretty good on those. Even on the 2.0 version.

It does sound like the module is going to need service.
Thanks for the idea Julia. I do have a pod and you are right the BlackPanel model is good. Is it possible to connect it to my RM50 without effecting the tone of my other module?
so what happened?
dont leave me hanging..howd you do at the gig...did you Pod it?
Did you just turn down the volume knob and act like Jimmy Page in Song Remains the same (where lots of clean parts are played with quite a bit of rasp..)
how did it go?
Thanks for your interest! Nothing as exciting as you may have been hoping for... I got lucky and ended up with a Deluxe module that worked well. I talked my other guitar player into getting an RM50 and he showed up with a few extra modules (my evil plan worked :twisted: ).

The Deluxe sounded OK and got along with my SD-1 pretty well. I like the Blackface much better though. I have had a Deluxe before and found it to be too thick with humbuckers - although it was not bad this time around.

I figured out what was wrong with the Blackface - a resistor burned out (R38 or 39). I shipped it out to Voodoo Amps today for repair and a Trainwreck Express upgrade.

Looks like I'll have 3 more gigs with the Deluxe until the Blackface comes back. I also shipped an Egnator EG3 for the Jose HG mod. Can't wait to get these modules back!
thanks for the update. I like closure.
So liking that trainwreck mod?