2 Stupid questions.

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Aug 7, 2010
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1. Are the Randall MTS heads/rack gear reliable for stage use; dependable ?
Ofcourse anything electronic can breakdown, but for eg, my 5150 is one reliable beast, it just doesn't break!

2. Are the standard Modules, non modded, good sounding as they are ?
I only know Recto/5150/JCM 900 kinda amps. Am sure modded amps are even better, but can the stock modules compare in quality, am not concerned whether they nail the tone or not, just concerned if they sound fat, thick, warm, non fuzzy etc.

Am thinking of investing in a Randall rig, so these questions pop into my head!

1 - I can't really say yes/no for stage use as I haven't lugged my RM100 back and forth for gigs, but it is very solid, very heavy, and has survived a few moves to new homes in it's day.

2 - Depends on the module and personal taste. My RM100 came pre-loaded with a Clean, Treadplate, and Ultra. I never liked the sound of the Ultra so I had Anthony mod it, and now I love it. The clean..eh, I plan to have it modded eventually but its passable. The Treadplate is stock and I love it. The only reason I've considered having it modded is because I can't afford to buy another module on top of paying for it to be modded, but I never have been able to go through with it. It sounds pretty great as it is, IMO.

The great thing about MTS is that if you don't like the sound, you can change it. Plus, being able to customize your power amp with the tubes of your choice is a nice touch also, and doing self biasing.
If there were no pro mods I would have never joined

Night & Day difference....although I will say stock Grail a current SL+ & a KH1 would be a solid tone machine
When ever I used a RM100 live it worked like a charm. Never had a problem with mine and is extremely reliable.
I've used my rack gear for quite a few live gigs and it has always worked well for me.It is pretty heavy so you have to be careful not to drop but that goes for any tube amp.
1) yes.
2) yes.

PS: As with any amp (SS or tube) try not throw down the stairs,ok?

I have been using my Lynch Box, which is just an RM100, all year for gigs and rehearsals. Hasn't let me down once. I use all stock modules. For the last three months I have only used a JTM, Mr. Scary and Blackface.
Have had no problems gigging with mine. It replaced a 100W JCM900 DR. The Marshall was a good amp but I've been very happy with the Randall.

Can't comment on the stock modules as mine had been tweaked before I got the amp. Someone had upgraded the modules with orange drops. I can tell you that I really like the way it sounds.
I have had 2 RM50 combos and 2 RM100 heads. No problems with any of them. I have also had lots of stock and modded modules. I have found that the newer modules corrected any issues that were around with the early ones. Example, the original SL+ was kind of muddy. The JCM800 mod, which is stock on the newer ones, made this the go to Marshall module. I have a newer stock SL+ and will not move it. It is perfect in my opinion.

The stock XTC works great for some things but once you drop tune, it gets muddy fast. Grab a modded one and then I get what I want. Many others will agree to that. But, just like I said earlier, many of the stock modules are great right out of the box. The sig modules are good examples of that.

Once you get into modded modules, all bets are off. I have had Dave F, Gigmods, and JF modules. They have all delivered the goods. You can get what you want with a little experimentation.

My advice would be to buy used at first and then trade around to learn what you like. No big cash losses doing that plus you can try lots of tones. You will learn that many of the higher gain modules are similar but once you hear the nuances of each, you can pick what you like and then stick with it.

For me, I am a Marshall guy so I have a stock SL+, JF Brahma, JF Mr Scary, and a JF VHT. I had a Gigmods Ultra XL, that I wished I would have kept and will probably have another. YMMV.
GtrGeorge! said:
1) yes.
2) yes.
I can only concurr with George. Think of it this way. If it wasn't reliable onstage, you'd think guitarists would associate with them? If the stock modules weren't good, you'd think guitarists would associate with them?

The only problem out there is you. You are the one wh has to define what sounds good. I like the stock versions so my modules aren't modded. Maybe you don't and need to have them modded, I can't tell... You can.
Same with reliability onstage. If you act normal with them they will last, if you throw them around it would be clear it'll break eventually.
Nigel T. said:
GtrGeorge! said:
1) yes.
2) yes.
I can only concurr with George. Think of it this way. If it wasn't reliable onstage, you'd think guitarists would associate with them? If the stock modules weren't good, you'd think guitarists would associate with them?

The only problem out there is you. You are the one wh has to define what sounds good. I like the stock versions so my modules aren't modded. Maybe you don't and need to have them modded, I can't tell... You can.
Same with reliability onstage. If you act normal with them they will last, if you throw them around it would be clear it'll break eventually.
I agree with this :)
My stock XTC has a great sound, and it hangs in there with my modded modules for now, but my 1086 really needs some upgrading.
So it depends on 1. your taste and 2. your choice of modules.

So yes modded modules are night and day difference.. but you could live without them.
But then I advise you to never try even one, because you'll be hooked ;)
Can't even imagine the difference between my already great stock XTC and a Salvation Mods Xtacy. :shock:
Wow guys!! Thanks for so many helpful replies!
Not is this a great rig, its also a great community!
Thanks again!
You know about "Murphy's Law"?

* yes a 5150 or 6505 is designed to fall off the read deck of a pickup truck going 60 mph and still work -- it's made in Mississippi and they made it well redneck proof. But still tubes do fail and can fail at gigs so don't gig this amp without a backup.

* A Randall MTS is solidly built. I don't gig anymore, though. I'm getting old and cranky and don't want to put up with unloading my car at 3:00 am. Because of the way the modules go into the amp and that they have to make contact inside the amp, I wouldn't put it on the read deck of a pickup truck with out at least closing the tailgate.

They are very heavy (downside) but that's the price you pay for being able to use big glass inside.

Would I gig this amp without a backup? No. Would I gig any amp without a backup? No. Tubes can fail at a gig. I would however grab one of these new Line 6 POD HD units that are coming out as a backup.

You've got a wide selection of modded modules. Some of the stock ones aren't bad either, especially the signature ones. The KH1, Deluxe, and Mr. Scary sit in my amp at the moment.
Me and the other guitarist im my band have been using 2 RM50 combos and a RM100 head for a few years. No problems at all. About 30 gigs a year.

Some stock modules sound great some do not. In my experience the good ones are: Blackface, Deluxe, and Mr. Scary. I am sure there are many others, I just have not had them.

It costs more, but modding them is well worth it and will take your tones to a whole different level - even with the good stock modules.
I have an RM4 an RM20 combo and a Lynchbox 100 head...All used for my gigs for over a year now...Never any issues....
Many of the stock modules sound very good, but when you hear one that's been modded by Jaded Faith, Gigmods ect, it's in the ultimate tone land that many boutique amplifiers can't touch and none are as versatile.
Some stock modules that I like are Blackface, Plexi, Brahma, Scary, Tweed, Egnater single channel SL+ and EG4......but modded, they are even better.....
Julia is right about the weight of the 100......But it sounds so good.....A good alternative would be an RM50 head....but it takes only 2 modules