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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
Reaction score
Near Seattle WA
I've mentioned I'm taking singing lessons a while back. The last couple tracks before this we were searching for the proper type of song for me. I think we found it. I don't think I posted this one before. No guitar on it. All keyboards. I did the piano using NI's Alicia's Keys, and the rest of the band was done with Addictive Drums and Reason 4. It's real old school.
I just listened to the entire song. Very cool stuff :) Seems like you have a husky voice that seems fit for that type of music, and that music is very awesome hehe. Thanks for sharing!
I applaud your bravery to throw yourself into lessons. And especially much of a persons ego is associatted to their voice.
Bravo to matter what!
I thought the song was much better than the recording I last heard of you ((a cover of Nirvana's No Apologies"). The engineering is better and the voice is clearly a better fit.
I could see an even better fit in the future..maybe some techno production techniques used in the service of a standard with YOUR voice on it.
Seems crazy? Actually I think your voice would do well in that situation..and I think its a genre that is ripe for public attention. "Techno-standards".
..yeah, I admit it...I'm creative.
Has a really nice vocal to...liek someone else said, think you found something there.

where's the Chubacabre shred solo? lol
Great effort, smooth vocal tone, nice track

There could be an improvement in microphone technique- during the loud parts back off more, get up close for spoken parts- stuff you already know and do but probably could do more extreme in order to avoid having to compress the life out of it to even the levels.

Also check out the clips for this mic- I've been eyeing this up for 2 years now, as soon as i get some extra cash I'm getting one. It would be PERFECT for your track's genre

crankyrayhanky said:
where's the Chubacabre shred solo? lol
Great effort, smooth vocal tone, nice track

There could be an improvement in microphone technique- during the loud parts back off more, get up close for spoken parts- stuff you already know and do but probably could do more extreme in order to avoid having to compress the life out of it to even the levels.

Also check out the clips for this mic- I've been eyeing this up for 2 years now, as soon as i get some extra cash I'm getting one. It would be PERFECT for your track's genre



I was using an exact clone of a Neumann U87A. I used to use this one for my room mic on the piano.

Mic technique is something that is quite difficult. Again it takes time to learn. It's yet another instrument. I was watching how Sinatra, Fitzgerald, and other singers of that era held mics live. It's interesting. I'm about a foot off the mic. I tend not to get close enough on soft parts and not far enough off on loud. Hence compression. I have to project more.

My other mics are a SM58, SM beta 58a, SM57. I like the beta 58a for quick and dirty recording work. If it doesn't sound good with that, it's not going to sound good with the condenser mic.

FYI, George, I've been working on some electronica/techno/guitar stuff. That may have some vocal work as well added. I've got one and I'm kinda stuck on the last part of the guitar solo and had to rewrite the chords to accommodate the solo idea. I'll be using the Alexi/Mr. Scary combo on the solo. No shred here. So the techno production techniques might be interesting.
I was using an exact clone of a Neumann U87A.
I think the mic sounded great...the mic I recommended above is more of a specialty/fx application to give it the source a 1930s vibe