Dimebag Amp Head Help!!

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Nov 22, 2006
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Hello, guys.
I'm new to the forum.

I've decided to buy a new amp head from Randall because of "Dimebag Darrell".
I know he used Century 200 for most of his time, but what can I do with it..Even it's hard to get the Warhead X2 these days..
There are V2 n T2 came out while ago, but that's hybrid, new tech, not a fully solid state, so I'm not sure those are gonna give me the foundation for the way to Dime sound.
Even the soundbites on the web made me got away from the amps.
I hope it doesn't sound like it though.

I'm also pretty interested in those MTS models.
Can some modules get me very close to the Dime sound ?
I really prefer nothing but "The Randall Dime Sound",
you know what I mean !!
G3s might do it ??? perhaps not..
Please help me out !!
Thanks a lot !!
Hey, thanks for reply.
I just got one more question.

Is there any difference between Warhead X2 and T2 ?
I seems pretty similar. I see just few arrangements.
I know the circuit has changed a lot, but sonicwise..
has anyone played those ??


T2 and V2,
which one is more close to and easy to get the "Dime sound" ??


The V2 and T2 both have the Dime tone and feel to them. Both of these new heads were created around the original Randall gain circuit only with tubes instead of FET's.

If you go the MTS route, the Ultra and UltraXL preamps will get you the Dime tone right away.

Hope this helps.
I disagree.I play a rm100 cause i love it but it definately does not have a dime sound even with the ultraxl. i use a treadplate with an overdrive to achieve that kerry king style tube sound.I also own a v2(the t2 sux) and it is more gritty and gainy like dimes sound but if you cant get a warhead look for a cyclone.it was my main amp for years and the live sound is unbelieveable.(like dimes) its actually the same circuitry as a warhead but in a lot of instances i thought it sounded better.just one mans option.check it out for yourself.
Thanks a lot for the replies.

I actually ordered RH150G3.
I heard this one sounds pretty impressive(little bass-y though) for the money.
I'm just not sure that T2 and V2 are gonna do it or not.
That's why I decided to spend the half of the money.
And just like T-Bone said, my friends told me that rm100 's not gonna sound like Dime.
I wish I had a chance to actually hear or play it though.
Unfortunately, no Randall dealers are around me.
I hope Randall release X2 again or somewhat similar.

BTW, why don't they offer some mp3s or soundbites of the products ??
I mean, in a professional way.

I hope I can get the amp end of next week.
After I get it, I'll put up some mp3s that you can listen to.